Репетитор Вадим Олегович

Репетитор Вадим Олегович
ID: 7525

Стаж преподавания
7 лет
Казанский инновационный университет имени В. Г. Тимирясова
I'm studying remotely due to dedication of my time to work, have sessions two time in year, they're very productive and I like my teachers there cos they're PRO.
Дополнительная информация
Hello, my name is Vadim. I am experienced in Software Engineering (SE) field. Always focusing on what I can do, not on what I can’t. I am very passionate about technology, especially about Data Science. In my free time, I like walking, skiing, listening to music, watching movies, learning English, doing some side-projects & collaborating with other Developers also I like reading books. I'. used to all sorts of articles, social networks (VK, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and etc), forums, communities (Stack Overflow / Exchange and etc), chats with other Software Engineers (SE) and so on. Currently, I'm studying English language & constantly improving my soft and hard skills, but instead of programming / Software Engineering (SE) courses such Skillbox, Geekbrains, Learning LinkedIn, Udemy and etc. I prefer having personal or private talks (consultation) with other experienced Software Engineers. I have friend who study at ITMO. My first mentor / tutor was from MIPT. I like eat pizza since school days, I have contacts with people who's studying in Inopolis or have BD in CS from MSU and I have best friend since I went to school. In addition, what I can say about English language? So, I use it for communication and I can have video calls and so on. It is possible to make interviews in English language. That can be all right as soon as it's not a technical interview for this one i have to be prepared specially, because It's like exams or olympiad. Well I am using it for my work it is communication with other developers, reading documentation, or some kind of LeetCode Algorithms & Data Structure problems. Also I like drink a coffee and heathy food.
от 1 600 руб / час
У репетитора
60 мин
У Ученика
60 мин
60 мин
Английский язык
У репетитора
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
У ученика
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
общий курс, американский английский
I can offer you 20% discount If you've 1 month lessons with me and money refund If you wasn't satisfied my services after 3 days of lessons
Информатика / программирование
У репетитора
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
У ученика
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
60 мин:
от 1 600 руб.
Access, bash, c#, c++, css, HTML, JavaScript, linux, MacOS, MySQL, python, SQL, t-sql, Unix, Windows, xml, алгоритмы, линейное программирование, программирование, разработка веб-сайтов
I can offer you 20% discount If you've 1 month lessons with me and money refund If you wasn't satisfied my services after 3 days of lessons
Занятия у репетитора:


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Сортировать отзывы:

Александр, 30 ноября 2018
Записан со слов ученика
Положительный отзыв
Thank you was also one of the best students :)
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