Репетитор Мария Александровна

Репетитор Мария Александровна
ID: 10309

29 лет
Стаж преподавания
11 лет
Дополнительная информация
Только занятия онлайн!
Thank you for considering me! To begin with, I would like to share my values.
First, it is transparency. The educational program is tailored for each student individually after the first lesson and presented to the client (or their parents). Moreover, the client (or parents) is always informed on the progress, strong and weak points and how they are to be improved.
Second, it is full immersion. All aspects are discussed in English since it is the quickest way to understand the language. If you are worried that you won't understand anything, just try and compare.
Third, it is responsibility and personal approach. By this I mean home assignments and projects in the first place. Depending on our goals, they will differ, or we may refuse homework at all. But if we still have it, it won't be routine. I try to focus on the client's interests and play this card.
от 2 000 руб / час
У репетитора
60 мин
У Ученика
60 мин
60 мин
Английский язык
У репетитора
60 мин:
У ученика
60 мин:
60 мин:
от 2 000 руб.
Занятия у репетитора:

Репетитор не принимает у себя

Выездные занятия:

Репетитор не выезжает к ученику
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Стоимость занятий
от 2 000 руб / час
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